Typical puppy misbehaviors and their causes - part 2

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 | | |

In my previous blog, I discussed puppy chewing, nipping, nipping, marking, and digging. Here's a little more common puppy behaviour and their causes.

Submitted or excited to urinate
This behavior is usually seen in dogs who want to show complete submission or compliance, and may also be linked to a neurological inability to control bladder function during arousal. The corrections are not necessary to fight against this behavior, May and even aggravate the anxiety in the puppy later.

If a dog is too shy or submission, make sure that all new residents of the life of puppy practice not touch, no talk, no eye contact rule, until the puppy is ready to respond .

Crying or barking
When puppies are separated from their packaging in nature, voicing is a means of communication and positioning. When your puppy cries, it is usually just to attract your attention, either by loneliness, or a need to use the bathroom. You can avoid this problem by draining the energy of puppy before bedtime and make sure he moves his bowels.

Firm but gentle corrections unwanted behaviors help most dogs out of them in time. But always remember, never discipline your puppy of anger or frustration!